Polo game

Polo Game is a miniature painting with the dimensions of 52 x 27 cm that displays a scene of a polo game. Polo is a game that has spread from Iran to the whole world. This game formed in Iran around 600 BC and was popular during the Achaemenid period. It became popular in India […]


Unknown Artist


Polo Game is a miniature painting with the dimensions of 52 x 27 cm that displays a scene of a polo game.

Polo is a game that has spread from Iran to the whole world. This game formed in Iran around 600 BC and was popular during the Achaemenid period. It became popular in India when Darius I invaded the country. During Sasanid period, the games was a part of our culture. Polo has been a popular game in all historical periods; therefore, it found its way to Persian miniature.

From Iranian culture perspective miniature is a recreation of life in the paradise; Eternal world and free from impurity and sin. And that is why Iranian miniatures are depicted with elements that are reminiscent of heaven and paradise; the earth free from impurity symbolizes the pure essence, and the azure sky is the place of eternal love.

Azure (Persian blue) is an Iranian color seen in historical tiles and Iranian carpets. The material used to produce this color is lapis lazuli, which is only found in mines of eastern ancient Persia (Afghanistan). This color gives authenticity to Persian miniatures.

In addition to the azure color, Iranian elements also add richness to the works of art. For example, cedar is a symbol of immortality. Iranians believe that the seed of cedar was brought from heaven to earth by Zarathustra. From this perspective, its balance and neatness is likened to a lover. In Iranian gardens, tiles and carpets cedars is clearly seen.

This work of art belongs to those who ….

We recommend The Polo Game miniature to both art lovers and collectors. This artwork can also be a gift to those who see art as the magic of immortality.

The current owner of this artwork is Mr. Saket

Find more miniature painting in hichaa Gallery.

There is another miniature painting in hichaa Gallery: A leaf of traditional art.


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